Tuesday, February 10, 2015

February 10, 2015 Grand Rounds

Case # 1: 22/F, intravenous drug user (IDU), who p/w acute right-sided hemiparesis secondary to cerebral zygomycosis.

 From: http://www.neurology.org/content/76/1/e1/F1.expansion.html

1. Among IDU's, cerebral involvement represents the most common form of disease zygomycosis. 

2. Suspect cerebral zygomycosis in the setting of IDU, unilateral basal ganglia involvement, rapid progression of a unilateral lesion to involve the contralateral side, and unexplained large infarcts in the brain.

3. Carries a very high mortality rate of almost 70%. Brain biopsy is always almost essential to establish the diagnosis. Of those who died from it, only 1/3 had a diagnosis of zygomycosis before death.

Case # 2. Update and review of measles.

1. Spread by aerosol, droplet, or contact. It is contagious 4 days prior and up to 4 days after the rash.

2. Usual course: 8-12 days of incubation period, followed by 2-4 days of fever, conjunctivitis, coryza, and cough, followed by 2-3 days of rash that begins from the hair line and spreads downward. Koplik's spots are bluish to whitish papules seen in the buccal mucosa 1 day before appearance of the rash and lasts for 2-3 days.

3. As of 2/6/2015, there have been 121 measles cases from 17 states. Illinois (mostly from Chicago) has 3 cases already.

1 comment:

  1. Goji Berries... yes... I tried those too.For my health conditions, Those sweet, red berries seemed to help, but only during the time when I consumed them. I don't want to take a drug for the rest of my life, so why would I want to take a natural supplement everyday for the rest of my life (although Goji berries are very tasty and are highly nourishing). To me this was not a cure either (and I'm LOOKING for the CURE).
    Up to that point, I hadn't found a cure. I felt like a young jumbled mess. I continued to have extreme pain, but continued on my path to healing. I started to focus on myself and not everyone else. When I was a young adult, I took on too much responsibility out of a sense of obligation. This was no longer healthy for me, so I resigned from all my projects and groups. Those days to come were the best [and worst] days. I took a lot of time off work, yet began to feel so extremely exhausted. Many health professionals "diagnosed" me with adrenal fatigue & Hiv,Prostate Cancer so my situation was annoying then I keep searching for permanent cure online that's when I came to know of Dr Itua herbal center hands whom god has blessed with ancestral herbs and a gift to heal people with diseaseSo I made a purchase of his herbal medicines and I have been watching my health for 6 years now and I actually confirmed that his herbal medicines are a permanent cure and I'm so happy that I came to know of his herbal healings.You can contact Dr Itua herbal center Email: drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com www.drituaherbalcenter.com if you went through exactly what I go through in terms of health conditions because to be honest there is more to learn about natural herbs than medical drugs.
